Double Your Tools Double Your Fun - Florentine Technique by Master Leather Redux and Raea      

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Double Your Tools Double Your Fun - Florentine Technique - $25
Sat, 9:30am-12:30pm
Room GA13

Intermediate to advanced experience with floggers or whips is highly recommended This class focuses on using two floggers or whips at the same time. We will go over technique and form of different variations of Florentine styles and break down the movements step by step. We will also discuss strategies that will help you practice on your own, as well as exercises and stretches that help build muscle memory and prevent fatigue and injuries.. A large portion of the class will be dedicated to practicing and demonstration. Bring your own floggers, whips (including dragon tails). Presenter has a limited number of matched sets (floggers/whips/dragon tails).