It's Lonely at the Top Ms Rhonda

There is an unspoken, and often unrecognized, perception in our community that Master equates to autonomous, independent, self-supporting, and all knowing. Add these implied expectations to the actual authority and responsibility of mastery, and it becomes a high bar to meet. The reluctance to admit vulnerability, not having all the answers, fear of asking for advice or information, and a lack of space to seek support are all too common among those on the left side of the slash and may result in feelings of isolation. These issues can be further complicated when life struggles arise. Owners/Masters/Dominants may not feel comfortable talking about challenges they are experiencing or don’t have a safe place to do so. In this class, we will discuss the myth that Masters are all knowing and not in need of support, acknowledge that those on the left side of the slash, like all humans, face challenges, and consider how each of us as Owners/Masters/Dominants can develop our own safe support system and place to share our struggles. To create a safe space to share the vulnerable side of mastery, this class will be open to those on the left side of the slash only.