Master Tom and slave linda: SouthEast Master/slave 2009


Added June 2016:

Master Tom and slave Linda- 2016 Jack Stice Memorial Award winners (speech given below)

Our award winners have been a couple who exemplify the Master/slave life. Those extraordinary people have been loving each other for twenty-one years. They bravely stood up and proclaimed love, obedience, mastery and marriage when these words weren’t said together in our M/s communities but were treated with suspicion. Like many M/s couples 15 years ago they heard how marriage and M/s didn’t go together. They heard how being in love wasn’t supposed to be part of a dynamic. They heard how a strong, smart, powerful slave wasn’t really taking direction and obedient to her Master.

They stood to be counted among us and educate us to dispel the myths of M/s. They did this for their community not once but twice. The first time they won the title SE Master/slave at Together in Leather. The second time, in 2009 they stepped forward to represent Masters and slaves for SELF. Having been previously vetted for the title, they accepted the challenge with such grace and dedication when their region truly needed them. Not when it was convenient for them.

The humility exhibited by this M/s couple has been a hallmark of how they have interacted with each other and others. Their educational efforts have provided generations with inspiration and possibility.

Many say the words of a slave are a reflection of the Master and provide a window into the integrity of the relationship. It was this integrity of a Master/slave relationship that they gave willingly to our communities who needed to witness a model and example of M/s at its best.

This slaves’ words in her speech when they competed for the M/s International title were:
“Being a slave for me means complete devotion, submissive surrender, but not blind submission and certainly not letting go of all limitations. As his devoted slave, I cannot hold my tongue while Master goes blindly into the dark to experience things that I know will either be bad for Him or have regrettable consequences without offering him what I see and knowing the final decision is his alone. As a human being, I have limitations. I can only trust that Master knows these limits and respects them…for He must if I am to call Him Master. He does and it is through Master I have become a completely surrendered slave who knows her slave heart.

So, what does it take to be a slave? Brains, brawn, diplomacy, strength of mind body and soul, utter devotion, complete surrender, and the stubbornness to face the one who owns you and let them know, albeit respectfully, that this may not be the correct path to take at the present time. I have found in my journey that when I completely surrendered, gave complete unwavering devotion, maintained strength of mind body and soul, and occasionally said no, my slave heart bloomed and Master was there to make sure it gets all the sunshine and dominance it needs to survive.”

It is with unmitigated joy I have the pleasure of awarding the Jack Stice Memorial Community Service Award to Master Tom and slave linda, your SE Master/slave 2009 and 2005.

Added April 2015:
slave linda's speech at SPLF

What does it take to be his slave? Complete devotion? Absolute surrender? Blind submission? Letting go of all limitations? When I entered into my contract with Master, these are the concepts I examined.  I had never been a slave before that time. At that time I wasn’t sure I had what is known as a slave heart either. The heart that longs to serve. The heart that longs to be owned. This would come in time…but how to achieve that heart was my biggest question.

When I first met Master, I was independent, savvy, and slightly manipulative. I pushed every chance I could. Master saw something in me that no one else could see. He saw the slave longing to be…longing to surrender, but not knowing how. He took all those ugly qualities I showed to other dominants and molded them into His perfect slave. A slave that has a voice: will say no when it is needed and will help Him realize His journey through life with the least possible resistance. He has taught me, with gentle dominance, the difference between manipulation and pushing, and being respectful and doing what is good for me, while still getting what I need and serving Him in a manner that He deems right for us. He allows me to still have that savvy, brain storming, protective, nurturing personality that I have always had, but He has molded and toned it into a positive light and taught me to be true to myself, therefore being true to Him.

Being a slave for me means complete devotion, submissive surrender, but not blind submission and certainly not letting go of all limitations. As his devoted slave, I cannot hold my tongue while Master goes blindly into the dark to experience things that I know will either be bad for Him or have regrettable consequences without offering him what I see and knowing the final decision is his alone. As a human being, I have limitations. I can only trust that Master knows these limits and respects them…for He must if I am to call Him Master. He does and it is through Master I have become a completely surrendered slave who knows her slave heart.

So, what does it take to be a slave? Brains, brawn, diplomacy, strength of mind body and soul, utter devotion, complete surrender, and the stubbornness to face the one who owns you and let them know, albeit respectfully, that this may not be the correct path to take at the present time. I have found in my journey that when I completely surrendered, gave complete unwavering devotion, maintained strength of mind body and soul, and occasionally said no, my slave heart bloomed and Master was there to make sure it gets all the sunshine and dominance it needs to survive.

Calendar of Events

Sep 4-7, 2009        Master/slave Conference 2009, Washington DC
Sep 18-20, 2009    Fetish in the Forest 2009, Memphis, TN
Jan 22-24, 2010     Southwest Leather Conference 2010
Competing at South Plains LeatherFest in March