Everyone loves to claim they play on the edge, or their style of being kinky is somehow greater than the average pervert. Yet even among the uber-kinky, there are those of us who have fantasies - or play styles - which seem to be beyond what is considered "acceptable." Is your kink really "OK"? How can you tell? Are there boundaries to fantasies? Should there be? Should we/can we own our most unmentionable ones?
How do you share fantasies with a partner if they make you uncomfortable? This workshop is more of a guided discussion group on the process of identifying, naming, sharing and potentially enacting our scariest fantasies. It's not about being outrageous to shock others - it's about fear of community mores, worries about personal responsibility, shameful eroticism and secret joys.
This is a "closed door" workshop - once it begins, we will close the door on the outside world, both vanilla and kinky, and let loose. Participants must come prepared to write down a fantasy or playstyle (anonymously, if they wish) and turn it in to the presenter. If you think this might "trigger" you, please don't come.

By Laura Antoniou